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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 12:25 PM
lilyflowerandroxy's Avatar
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Location: Mandurama NSW
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Default Fantastic kennels for sale

Great kennels now available for sale,

5 sets (1 set can be divided into 2 kennels, all you need is a wire frame, knowledge of using a power drill and some bolts)

Pics will be posted soon, just waiting for my camera battery to be recharged lol

$200 ono each set

These kennels are constructed from coolroom panels, are tough, durable and can be used as puppy or whelping kennels, or two race dog kennels. Floors are concrete blocks, can sell separate if you don't want to transport the concrete block along with the kennel.

At the moment, one set has a door already fixed on, being used by my racedog. The other 4 sets don't have a door, so you will need to weld a frame to make a door (easy job to do in 15 mins if you know how) I paid $70 to have one heavy duty steel door put on the kennel, as it is of high quality.
One set already has two doorways on it, I used an angle grinder to cut out the 2nd doorway and was planning to put in two doors plus a wire frame, to make 2 kennels, however I am unable to finish the job due to other commitments.

Oh also all these sets have a little sliding gap at the back, to let in fresh air, (like windows but without the glass) it has a tin thing (don't know what it's called lol) that you slide shut of a night.

Fantastic cool in summer, warm in winter. Very roomy, could hold a litter of 10 pups up to 4mths old in there. Was going to be used basically as outdoor boarding kennels.

Please pm if wanting more details or if interested.

Located in far south west country Victoria.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 04:19 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 750

I'd be interested in the pics. Then I'll pass details onto my trainer.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 07:29 PM
lilyflowerandroxy's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Mandurama NSW
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1864cd6e.jpg picture by mountainviewfarm_photos - Photobucket

1e210ef9.jpg picture by mountainviewfarm_photos - Photobucket

lol the below is just used as a spare emptying out yard for the racedogs.
09161832.jpg picture by mountainviewfarm_photos - Photobucket

Below; notice the window at back of kennels? All the kennels have the same sliding tin thingy that you can shut at night.

c4bbd6c0.jpg picture by mountainviewfarm_photos - Photobucket

Below: I cut out a 2nd doorway there. None of the kennels have ever had a dog in, have just been sitting there so there's some overgrown weeds creeping onto the cement blocks lol

add50537.jpg picture by mountainviewfarm_photos - Photobucket

All they need is a good clean out and they'll be bombproof perfect kennels. I keep one of the troublesome racedogs in the kennel with the door already attached, as he was a kennel wrecker but since moving into his super tough kennel, has been unable to chew wood or wire because there's none in that kennel! ;-) All coolroom panels and a super tough steel door.

Also, I had a farmer guy transport the kennels to my place about 4 mths ago, he used a tractor with a two pronged lift, threw on a chain around the hooks (you can see the hooks at the top of the kennels, that's for this purpose) on the top of the kennel and lifted it up away from the cement block and put the kennel (which has no floor) onto a flatbed truck. Then he used the two pronged lift to lift up the cement block (which has a drainage hole with steel plug, makes for easy cleaning).

I can get some local guys to bring a forklift truck to do the lifting part from my end if required, all that is needed is a long flatbed truck to take the kennels away.

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