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Conversation Between Morgan and YUTHAPINABOY
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
    11-22-2008 10:12 AM
    Before I go any further I must acknowledge that my IT literacy/knowledge is poor and therefore, what I am raising in this message may not be relevant. Anyway, with regard to changes on your site, I am concerned that any mofications not make the site any more of an MB consumer than it is already. I may very well be the odd-one-out here but my internet plan involves a 50O MB allowance. I have certainly noticed a correlation since I became a member of, between using the site and a significant increase in my daily consumption of MBs. I noticed a mention somewhere from one of the members about "pictures next to signatures". Would modifications involving more pictures use up more MBs everytime one opens a page. As mentioned above I am probably the odd-one-out in that most members probably have much larger or unlimited capacity and of course I know you are trying to make the site as interesting as possible. Anyway this is just something that concerns me.
    11-15-2008 01:40 PM
    Morgan, please forgive me if this is a stupid question. Not that I have not noticed others doing the same thing, but I have just copied and pasted an article re Sunline (not good news) into a new thread. To make sure I do the right thing by your site and also by myself, are there any copyright issues involved. I particularly ask this in that it is being copied from one website to another website. I am a very cautious person.

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