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Conversation Between Kyleigh and chub
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Kyleigh
    02-08-2011 02:32 PM
    hey chub sorry mate only just saw your message, not sure I dont pay any attention to his posts really, he did say somethign about you on something I had commented on about moving, reckoned if I lived near u no wonder I wanted to move, lol, I said na other end of the state there is way more worse than chub here....what is his problem with u?
  2. chub
    02-04-2011 03:10 PM
    hey kylie how long has hislop been hanging shit on me on facebook cheers tassies greatest trainer
  3. Kyleigh
    08-18-2010 01:56 PM
    haha he said he goes alright when he has got something else to chase, we will be watching the final closely
  4. chub
    08-16-2010 11:23 PM
    hi kyleigh what does darris think about tombstone jack now lol cheers chub

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