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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by coops View Post
Where are ya Nick?

Hey mate, seeing that you are all knowlege in the art of breeding greyhounds.
I ave a question for ya.

it looks like my bitch can't run out of sight on a dark night, so I have decieded to breed from her. What do you reckon about putting her to Bush Legend?
She is by Hallucinate X Just Like Alice.

Oh, one other thing. Is it better to let the dog jump her or go for the frozen stuff?

The love of my life, Lilyflowerandroxy says I'm an Idiot. But I forgive her coz she's a woman. Ouch, ouch, stop, I'm sorry my precious.

coops i reckon ill be going down the same line as lily here as suggest your an idiot lol

breeding is my weak area, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT bush legend is a 4th grader sire, if you have 12 pups, what are you going to do??? you will have to pay people to take them, youd struggle to give them away mate...

say you keep 4 pups, look at it this way.... straw, whelp them down, rear to 12 months, break in, pre train, paper work, vet bills etc thats $12k+... then if there no good at all??? but your spending $500 on a sire????

id struggle to suggest breed with her if she has no abilty but if your willing to take the risk go to a top line sire, $500 for bush legend= $12k to get to racing age, not a well known sire, hasnt thrown anything...say you go to wheres pedro or something similar, $13.5k to get to racing age, the sire has thrown group winners and lots of top city class dogs...if your willing to spend 12k on as you say a bitch with no abilty to a sire with not much to date on the ground, then youd be crazy not to spemd amother $1500 and upgrade the sire to the best you can get which fits her line...

Its a mistake alot make, it costs the same to whelp, rear, break in, feed a litter to brett lee but people down grade on the sire to save $1500 now, but in the long run your still spending 12k plus, so whats the extra $1500

as i said i couldnt suggest to you breed her if she has no abilty what so ever, but if you want to take the risk go to a top sire, atleast if she has 12 you can sell a few for $500, but like i said going to a no name sire means you wont be able to give them away

depends, alot of sires these days are all frozen.. i prefer frozen, natruall to me is soooo 1990s, but thats my opinion
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 08:43 PM
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Thanks Nick. You do make sense about who to put her with. What you have said has been taken on board and I do need to rethink about the whole situation.

I hate it when Lily's right. She will be wrong one day.LOL

Thanks again Nick.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 08:46 PM
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she is a women coops so don'texpect her to admit to it when she is wrong lol
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 09:52 PM
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Ouch jr44, come here so I can slap you ;-P

Coops, my little cinnamon bread, I do hope you have a rethink, as tempting as it is to breed your very own litter of pups, with the current situation in the industry at the moment, you really need to have a lot of money saved up if you are going to breed a slow maiden to a cheap stud dog (even though I love Bush Legend) instead of going to a group winning city record breaking proven sire of group dogs. Nickg is absolutely spot on with his assessment in what happens if she has a large litter? you'd struggle to give the pups away.

I'm so sorry to shatter your dreams and illusions of breeding your own champions, Coops my chocolate muffin ;-)
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 10:00 PM
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P.S I'd go NATURAL or AI anytime over FSI for the bitches, as it is so bloody unnatural for the poor bitches to suffer having an operation instead of being cuddled by a virile stud dog.

So many studmasters these days are looking for big bucks which is why they prefer to sell FS and the vets are even happier taking your money doing FSI.

The days of honest genuine studmasters willing to do natural/ai services seems to have gone...
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 11:15 PM
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dont any of u use DSMO anymore?

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 07:01 AM
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Huh? What's DSMO got to do with breeding?

Yes we used to use DSMO roll on ages ago but it shows up as a positive swab, can last over a week in the system, most trainers nowadays use the newer dimethylsulphoxide in a plain bottle.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by lilyflowerandroxy View Post
P.S I'd go NATURAL or AI anytime over FSI for the bitches, as it is so bloody unnatural for the poor bitches to suffer having an operation instead of being cuddled by a virile stud dog.

So many studmasters these days are looking for big bucks which is why they prefer to sell FS and the vets are even happier taking your money doing FSI.

The days of honest genuine studmasters willing to do natural/ai services seems to have gone...
Agree 100% Lily!!! However I'm just about to go through the process of having my Bitch inseminated with FS, studmasters have you bent over the barrel sometimes, its either FS or sorry we can't help!! If you ask me the Vets are the BIG winners, they charge the studmasters to "milk" the sire and then store the Gear and then the breeder to inseminate the bitch!!
Coops I tend to agree with Lily and Nick about your decision to breed with your bitch, however as I think I have previously stated on this Forum the best two greyhounds I have been associated with, one was out of a non-chaser who never made the track( she won a SYD cup) and the other was out of a snail who won 1 race ( she won 18 races inc a Meadows FFA) so sometimes ability can skip a genaration as both mothers were out of solid race winning damlines. If you have the ability and $ to rear the litter well and give them every possible chance to reach their potential then why not? But as a commercial venture it may be a disaster as pointed out as you might get stuck with more pups than you bargained for and suddenly your resources become stretched and the pups don't get the required care!
In summary if your prepared to keep the lot go to Bush Legend, if you want to sell some go to the best Dog you can afford! This all just MY opinion.
PS Lily and Coops since when has this site become a PICK-UP or Lonely Hearts site???
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 10:56 AM
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I agree with what you say gippy apart from your last line... I.e best sire you can afford, if you can't afford to go to the best sire you possible can then your going to get into alot of trouble down the track money wise, when it comes to selecting sires price shouldn't matter, one exception maybe Brett lee., I've heard people say ohh I wanted to go to surf lorian but went to runs house to save $700, in 18 months time that $700 is only a small % of what you have spent..

don't let money decided what sire you go to, if you can't afford it don't breed or find a breeding deal cause in the long run it will cost the same
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 11:29 AM
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Thanks guys. all seems good in what you are both saying. All these questions that i'm asking is getting ready for when she comes on season. She has never been on season before and now she is nearly two year old, she must be getting close.
Crickey, you guys are scaring me with all the dollars in breeding pups.
That breeding deal your talking about Nick. How does that work?

Gippy, be quiet will ya. your crampin me style mate. I've nearly got her.

Don't listen to Gippy my cream bun, he's only jealous.

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