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Greyhound Training Discuss information about how to train greyhounds



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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 05:42 PM
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Gippy mate, At least he is not humping my leg anymore.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by lilyflowerandroxy View Post
Oh and also, I do feed dry toast with a bit of butter/vegemite on it most mornings to pups and racedogs, one slice with vegemite and the other slice with honey. Even peanut butter, fish paste (dogs absolutely love it!) etc.

Make sure you cut up the toast into small pieces for the young pups so they can chew it easily.
OOPPSS bad couch pups!, BUT excellent post/s FLOWER, i think you summed it up nicely all that info is exactly what i have been asking for but getting in dribs and drabs so to speak, And after reading it I can see where MY mistakes are being made now im gonna take some control
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 07:18 PM
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"Sounds like you better keep an eye on Sinka mate!!! You don't want a litter of little split shots running arond yet!!!!"

now thats a crack up
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 07:48 PM
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hello all, got my pup on the weekend and she is great. she is 14 weeks old. i have started the regular excersise and she is loving it. she is eating well in the am and pm. i have wormed her already. the kids love her and she is very affectionate (dont know if that is the best thing.) i have a golden retriever that keeps her quite busy. anyhow so far enjoying the training/excercise for her and myself too. paid 500 bucks for her, but having checked her bloodlines they look quite strong. i know that its not the most expensive bitch around but i hope she will someday make the track.
thanks for all your help and will continue to read/post here.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by whippee View Post
hello all, got my pup on the weekend and she is great. she is 14 weeks old. i have started the regular excersise and she is loving it. she is eating well in the am and pm. i have wormed her already. the kids love her and she is very affectionate (dont know if that is the best thing.) i have a golden retriever that keeps her quite busy. anyhow so far enjoying the training/excercise for her and myself too. paid 500 bucks for her, but having checked her bloodlines they look quite strong. i know that its not the most expensive bitch around but i hope she will someday make the track.
thanks for all your help and will continue to read/post here.
can we ask what breed is your pup??? and i got a couple of kids around here too mate and the hounds just love them!! bit bigger than them but they TRY to be gentle with the kids
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by willy wonka View Post
can we ask what breed is your pup??? and i got a couple of kids around here too mate and the hounds just love them!! bit bigger than them but they TRY to be gentle with the kids

she is carnage x miss inform. ye i agree with the kids/gentle part. the hardest thing i getting her to get up off the bed and or couch to go outside haha love it tho
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 07:30 AM
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oops, i have another question for all. I am in south australia. as you ve seen ive just purchased my first dog. I have read the sa rulebook and read about having a kennel. I have yet to build a kennel, but i am wondering if i can apply to be an owner/trainer with the pup and then put in the app. when i am finished building it. Or do i have to build it then apply? I cant understand for the life of me why it is mandatory to have a kennel. what is wrong with raising the dog without one. after all i can guarantee my dog has a lot nicer environment to live in (my house) than half the other dogs out there living at these farms. Dont want to cause any turmoil but i just a bit confused. This was not intended to offend any out there.
thanks again
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 08:10 AM
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All racing greyhounds/young pups must be housed in proper enclosures, this is to safeguard against accidents and little kids slipping 'chocolate treats' to the racedogs etc.
Also to protect visitors from being bothered by unrestrained dogs in the house, the ruling body do not want to be sued by a citizen who claims that it was an unrestrained greyhound that caused injury to them etc.

It's fine and all to play with pups inside the house but they must learn to live in a safe enclosure most of the time, and only let out when you can spend some time playing with them and not leave them running around unsupervised, especially with young kids. Kids can unintentionally hurt/injury pups without you being aware of it so you never know.. better safe than sorry!

Racedogs can easily injure themselves in the house by bumping into tables etc bruising themselves.

And so easy for one to sneakily open a garbage lid the night before a race and gorge themselves on junk food lol then where would you be??

So, yes, before you can apply to become an owner/trainer, you must have a secure kennel/yard for the greyhound.

P.S With regards to exercising young pups on a lead before they're 10mths old, remember, don't overwork them on the lead (like this particular novice trainer I know, he walked his 4mth old puppy on a lead twice a day for about 2kms or more, then galloped her in a huge paddock, the poor puppy was totally exhausted from the walk so she really overdid it by the extra free galloping. Will end up with arthritis in the wrists and hip supports)
Aside from that, it's not a good idea to street walk the pup before it's 8-9mths old, as it's so easy for them to pick up nasty germs from domestic dogs, along with parvo, distemper, meningitis etc all hanging around in the dog social areas.

A good option could be to take the pup to a soccer/footy park to exercise (in the dark of course, can't have council rangers coming after you for using a public park lol make sure you carry a pooper bag with you to clean up after the dog) by driving there.

IMO pups under the age of 5mths don't really need to exercise overly much, as long as they get a free run 3 times a week they should be fine just playing about in the backyard.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 09:06 AM
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Im a bit with whippee on the kennel issue! BUT can see the point LILY makes about the kids, im forever telling the boys to leave the dogs alone AND STOP TRYING TO RIDE THEM LIKE A HORSE : As for the bed and couch WHIP get them off and keep them off cos mine tried the same antics and i wasnt gonna be putting up with that ( i want the bed and couch to myself..... without the mrs and kids lol ) and we are trying to get them to race not take a nap in the boxes lol LILY where do we stand on the MUZZLING issue with pups????? when should they have them on (age) I got told no law until they have been broken in!!! BUT I FIND THAT VERY HARD TO BELIEVE!! oh got onto some meat too LILY no preserves and they actually eat it .........this week lol
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 12:32 PM
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appreciate replies. One more question, i have started pup on meat from a pet store, its about 4.00 a kilo. I was walking by the butcher today and had sign pet meat .50 kilo. I asked the butcher whats up with the meat and he said its chicken wings ect. ground up to a mince. Does anyone have any experience with this meat. The only thing that concerns me a bit would be the bone material, dont know tho. Anyhow gotta go out and do some measuring for the kennel. thanks again
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