Gday all
I'm looking for some feedback and suggestions for a new website my racing mate and I are putting together to benefit all in the greyhound racing industry.
Just go to:
Greyhounds For Sale, puppies, sires, brood bitches and everything in between! to see it. Its not finished yet but you chuck your name in the opt in box down the bottom we'll let ya know when we launch the site officially!
Essentially it is going to be a greyhound classifieds listing website where you can list, buy and sell anything greyhound related with the main category being greyhounds themselves i.e. pups, race dogs, sires, brood bitches, stud dogs etc so on and so forth.
The site is not ready yet and is still being developed but I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions, ideas or requests for what they would like to see on the site?
Now is the time to put these suggestions to use as we are still working on it and once the main structure of the site has been developed it will only get harder for mass changes.
Currently we are mainly just designing and developing the site to cater to the buying and selling of greyhounds with the target of making it extremely easy to use for both buyers and sellers. Think of the big real estate and car sales sites
Then we hope to slowly add a blog feature where we will update daily with greyhound racing and industry news, hope to offer a premium tipping service with the tips being sent via email and texts, a newsletter type service (already in place) and more!
The idea is to become an authority site similar to the current offline form guides and newspapers. The idea is that more and more people are online yet there are no where near the resources online in our industry as compared with offline.
What would you like to see? Any feedback and suggestions are welcome