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Greyhound Health & Nutrition Discuss topics and share tips on keeping your greyhound healthy |
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Hi guys,
I just thought i would introduce myself and lend my services to anyone who I can. My name is Ricky and I own a pet food shop in Elizabeth South, South Australia, and due to the previous owners involvement in the Greyhound and racing industry I am now involved as we supply to a number of greyhound trainers, including some larger 30+ dog kennels. Although i have not been in this game for a very long time, I have learnt a lot very quickly and what I do not know I generally have access to the information, and will best try to help anyone as I can. So, hello everyone and happy posting. Last edited by myanimall; 03-25-2008 at 09:48 PM. Reason: ?? |
Absolutely god father, however there is a place for some of those products that are available and a reason they have been made. If you can get a dog ship shape from a proper diet though that is the best solution. (IMO)
btw my store is not greyhound only so if anybody has any questions about anything else pet food/ accessory related im here to help.
My Ani-mall Pet Food 76a Hogarth Road Elizabeth South (08) 8252 3830 |
Im interested to know how much iron is too much and how exactly it effects the performance of a greyhound. I give I teaspoon of Ironcylene per day and the occasional B12 injection, Ive heard too much does stop them from finishing races. Any info would be great
Not quiet sure on exact figures,
But i follow the rule of each dog indavidual . Iron which is a must for good blood which in returns feeds oxegan to the blood which is vital for the dogs wind and a clear flow of air. I do how ever feel you are more likely to leave a run on the track threw training. Only when a dog is been known to lack of iron would i feel it was the main cause and would only be able to veify a out come like this by a blood group count. Every thing in moderation and blood counts should help you in your next step of this question. |
I agree with god father in the fact that every greyhounds needs are going to be slightly individual.
If you are giving ironcyclen then your chances of overdoing the iron levels are seriously reduced as naturally your dog should pass through any excess minerals (eg iron) when enough has been absorbed. As for not finishing off races well that is more likely to be a symptom of iron levels being too low than too high. If you really want to know your dogs levels, proper blood analysis is the only way to do it. where abouts in adelaide are you NF?? hope that helps, if you want more in depth information ill quiz some more people about it, just let me know. Cheers
My Ani-mall Pet Food 76a Hogarth Road Elizabeth South (08) 8252 3830 |
Thanks for the response its very helpful. Ive never had a blood count on my dogs before I think I will. Im still learning Ive only been training for nearly 2 years.
Im in Maslin Beach I train 2 greyhounds No Brake Blake and Obi Won Ginobili not the greatest dogs but have already given me big thrills. Ive also got a pup Im about to name. Ive found with many issues there are always so many conflicting opinions and the only way to really find anything out for yourself is from experience but I have a lot of time for people willing to teach me a thing or two. Thanks again |
No probs November,
Have backed Obi won before my self. Blood counts can also help you in a lot more ereas as well such as worms and so on. Theres some great books you can get as well which i found real helping. But as you said experiance is the best tool . Good luck |
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