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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 08:56 AM
coops's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Werombi NSW
Posts: 792

Can I have a say please. Thankyou thats very kind of you.

This is what I think. The dog can either run fast or it can't no matter who it's bred by.
If you have a look at the current top dogs in Australia you will find there is no prominent dam or sire. They are nearly all different sires and dams.

If you send 100 bitches to one sire that you think has outstanding breeding, surley one of those litters will produce a good racer.
Lets say each of those bitches on an average has 6 pups in the litter. Thats 600 pups. How many do you think are going to make it. Send 100 bitches to an ordinary sire and again out of 600 pups how many do you think is going to make it.
It goes back to my point of view. " They can either run or they can't."
So many times you hear or see. "For sale: such and such, brother or sister of champion such and such for amazing amounts of dollars and they do nothing."
It's like a lottery to me.

I have only had a greyhound for 6 months and it's hard work to keep it in prime condition all the time. But I love doing it. I have followed Greyhound racing with a passion for the last 40 years and seen many many breeders looking for that extra special greyhound. Yes it comes for them every blue moon, but a more than many go by the way side.

Thanks for letting me have my say. But it's only my opinion.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:23 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 316

No worries Coops, you can have your say but did you have to be so verbose

Thanks Noel, 'Food for my thought'. Yes, the brood bitch is definitely the most important element. My main reason for being so adamant about this is that the worst brood bitch is clearly a lot more inferior to the best brood bitch than is the worst sire compared to the best sire. Virtually every sire is a dog with plenty of positives in his blood lines and has been at the worst a very good racer (therefore a proven bloodline). The same can not be said of all brood bitches.

Coops, I use "lottery" word a lot with regard to dog racing and therefore can relate very much to what you are saying but particularly when it comes to brood bitches, it is not difficult for me to identify brood bitches that give me a significantly better chance of getting a quality greyhound. The problem is that the pups cost a lot more.

To be honest, apart from the brood bitch aspect referred to above and the dangers of inbreeding, I really don't know "what is right".
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:55 PM
coops's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Werombi NSW
Posts: 792

In breeding is only in Tassie. Ooooowaa. Sorry mate couldn't help myself.

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