Originally Posted by coops
Is that what you do with your dogs?
Another question for you. Why do they have non-tab meetings?
I dont have that much experience in training, actually I would say on a spectrum of 1-10, I would be towards the lower end of experience at 2 or 3 only which makes my opinion virtually useless.
With that being said, I am a very logical guy.
If I have a dog which I believe currently is not good enough for TAB class, then naturally I will enter it in a non-tab meeting, like healsville for instance.
If it was to win a race there, I would not just go and enter it straight into a TAB meeting. The reason I entered it in a non-TAB meeting in the first place is because as a trainer I believe she is suited to that class of dog at the current time. This opinion does not change overnight just because she wins a maiden at a non-tab.
However, if i had a dog that could be competitive and win a maiden at a TAB meeting, then I would definetly enter it for that for 2 reasons. One, more prize money, because that is what you race for, and also, when she wins her maiden, the jump up in class to a TAB G5 wont be as steep as going from a NON-TAB win.
Now if I am wrong and a non-tab maiden win does not really count and you can still race at a TAB maiden, then I am sorry.
I was under the assumption these meetings were created to let some of the lesser skilled dogs win some money and races for their owners and trainers as well as get other dogs fit.
i.e Alot of star dogs get fit running at Healsville for a few runs back from a spell before racing in town. However, you do not see these types racing there maidens there.
Im not trying to be a prick, but I am just trying to understand the logic of if you believe you have a dog that can win a maiden in TAB class, and your goal is to race in a g5 tab race as soon as it wins its maiden, why you would go to a non-tab maiden race, unless you are going for an easy kill and want a guaranteed G5 start the following week and are happy to sacrifice $500 in the process.