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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 08:30 AM
coops's Avatar
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Default What is the Difference

What is the difference between costs of training and racing a Greyhound, Thourobred, Pacer/Trotter?

Do any of the above have greater training costs than one another?
Do any of the above pay better on the TAB when they win?
Do any of the above win more races?

I would just like to know.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 09:33 AM
hussler2912's Avatar
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Couldnt tell you much about the other 2 but for maintenance cost, entry fees etc. horses cost a lot! I would be able to tell you however that greyhounds would cost the least of the 3.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 11:14 AM
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If thats the case, why would you want a horse?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 12:09 PM
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Coops, like most things in life it depends on the person and there are many reasons, far too many to even touch on. In general horse racing carries with it a social status and glamour that is not a characteristic of dog racing. It is very clear that I am a "dog man" but although she is no snob (well not too bad), my wife would much prefer the glamour and the colour of the gallops. And don't get me wrong, I really enjoy our days out at let's say Vic Derby Day, fantastic, everything about it. The money factor is of course also a huge factor, the dream of getting a stallion like Redoute's Choice or Encosta De Lago is a big attraction. I can remember around 1970 first prize at Goulbourn being $15. I would be surprised if in real money terms it is any better now. Try explaining this to a non-dog people and why you do it. Another factor is that we all know that most slow raceshorses finish up in a can of Pal or wherever, but it is not as strong a public perception as the negative one that applies to dog racing. I am an old softy and it was always difficult for me to come to terms with "putting down" the poor little buggers, they are such beautiful animals. You just can't keep them otherwise you would have a backyard full of old dogs. Dog racing also carries with it other negative public perceptions but I won't even "go there".
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 04:01 PM
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Oh I get it now mate,
The greyhound is a poor mans sport, and orses are for feeding them when the social glamour snobs (except you good missus.) are finished with them. Ok then, that sounds fair enough mate. Cheers for that.

We have a very successful Clydesdale Horse Stud along with a few pacers. I find that the cost of keeping them is far,far,far costly than having my dog. It costs me around $20 a week to keep and train my dog, whereas it costs $100 a week for a clydesdale hosre and we have 15 of them. The Pacers cost even more with their training. I would hate to know how much it costs to train a race orse.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 05:09 PM
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Yes Coops that is a facetious but clever and effective way of putting it, well done. The gallops industry is largely for people who have plenty of money to spend, this is obvious when a gallops trainer charges $500 or so a week to train a horse. I don't know why you asked the question in the first place, you clearly have an excellent knowledge of the facts about keeping a horse as compared to a dog. As one of the "poor people" I will stick with the dogs but a factor such as, but not only, a high level of personal involvement is also very important to me. I could get up every morning and walk a dog but I don't think I would be riding much trackwork down our suburban street. And by the way, you are doing very well in keeping your dog training costs to $20. If I had a dog at home it would cost me $20 a week in petrol without even going to the races. Add to this the obvious costs of food and additives, veterinary, depreciation on Untrasonic, walking machine and hydrobath, other transport costs, etc etc etc and $50 is arrived at and passed very quickly.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 06:35 PM
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Mate, the reaso I asked those questions is to satisfy myself with having a greyhound.

Yes you do have to have heaps of dollars to own a race orse and to be recognised in that industry. To my way of thinking, if the prize money were equal for the greyhounds races then i think you would see the changes to the code of greyhound racing out shine the other codes.

Lets face it, the TAB pays the same for a win/place for greyhounds, Pacers/trotters and Race orses. But I do feel that finding a winner at the dogs is much easier than finding a winner out of 8 starters than a winner from the orses with heaps more starters.
Remember mate this is only my opinion.

It cost me $16 for good lean beef for 7 days, $35 for kibble which lasts me 4 months, $20 for 4x2 buscuits which last me 6 months, $23 for centrum vitamins which lasts me 3 months, $16 for electrolites which lasts me 3 months, calcium $22 which lasts me 8 months, Omega three $15 which lasts me 4 months, White E $18 which lasts me 4 months, Vet $93 for 6 months so far. Muscle check ups $0.00 as my mate does it I never needle my dog for muscle soreness. I usually work it out of him or manual massage and so far so good. I trial my dog once a month with a finish on the lure $10.

I have no Hydra bath, ultrasonic machines, walking machines and as for transport to and from race meetings the cost of fuel is not much as I have LPG.

So Yep around $20/week.

Mate please don't think I'm being funny or facetious it's the truth and I'm extremely happy about what I'm doing with my dog,thanks to members of these forums for their generoustiy by giving me their advice on how to train my dog. I will always be gratefull to them for that.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 08:07 PM
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Horses can win you more money. Let's just put it this way - would you rather win the Melbourne Cup of horse racing or greyhounds? Even with money aside, unless you absolutely loved greyhound racing a whole lot more than horse racing, the reasons are obvious.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 09:10 PM
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Greyhounds. You got a better chance with only 8 runners, plus they don't cost as much.
A greyhound can win just as much as a orse and probably more if the prize money was the same.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 09:36 PM
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Essentially what you say Hussler2912 makes a lot of sense and yes I do love greyhound racing a lot more, primarily because of the much greater personal involvement but also because I really loved the carnival atmosphere, the involvement and comradery of the common man on and away from the racetrack, the love of the animal, the competitiveness of the racing and in the past the betting ring and even the occasional bit of controversy which made for interesting conversation. The early summer mornings were wonderful but the minus 8s in winter were shithouse. With regard to the money, my rather negative approach would be that I am going to lose less money in dog racing than I am going to lose in thoroughbred racing or put another way, I will get more fun for my "dollar" in the dogs than I will get for the same "dollar" spent on the gallops. The above is just making my position clear, I am a "dog man".
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