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dodger 02-15-2010 09:55 PM

Great start for mandagery man
Just to inform anyone thats interested that the early litters of THE MAN are starting to break in and some great reports over the weekend that 4 of his pups have broken in city class-from different broodies and a couple more above average,at different breaking in establishments. We are so excited knowing that he is throwing at this stage ,dogs that can run and we are hoping they keep improving. Time will tell. Go TOMMY...........................

coops 02-16-2010 06:19 PM

That is great news dodger. I always thought that he would sire some good ones and it looks like the early ones are doing the job. Good luck with them mate.
I like it when people are excited about their dogs and sounds like dodger is just that. Onya mate.


YUTHAPINABOY 02-16-2010 06:34 PM

Good on you Dodger. At the very least it will provide you with some keen interest over the year or so and my years to come I hope.
And Coops, it is good that Dodger is excited as his optimism/enthusiasm is in contrast to my pessimism about my bitch, well a whole 5%. Even if she is any good which is doubtful, she may never see a track, we will still be in court.

dodger 04-21-2011 08:48 AM

mandagery man
Had his first w.p. winner the other night in 30.04 called Mandagery Miss
Mandagery Man is know back home with us.
Would sincerely like to thank Steve,Maree and Helen for looking after him so well

Thank u all

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