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noelkeane 10-11-2008 10:36 AM

My Dogs
im new to this site not sure if many care about the irish side
but i run broadmill kennels
we have had a few good ones down the years with broadmill one winning the kingdom derby
broadmill billy winning the studmasters
broadmill lady setting the track record in tralee
castledale lad winning three features and setting three track records
missy elliot feature and a track record

Morgan 10-11-2008 10:32 PM

Seems like you have some very smart dogs in your kennel.

What is the prize money like in Ireland?

How does the quality of dogs compare to those of Australia?

noelkeane 10-12-2008 08:38 AM

prize money for one off races between 280 to 500 euro for 525
and 180 to 220 for sprints
sweeps vary from 1000 euro up the derby is 175,000 to the winner

Morgan 10-12-2008 09:14 AM

That prize money is pretty good beats the winnings of our races if you converted the euro to AUD.

YUTHAPINABOY 11-18-2008 10:50 PM

Hi Morgan just noticed your message to Noel Keane (Ireland). Unfortunately I did not go to Ireland (would love to howeve, heard great reports) but I spent 3 1/2 months in the UK early this year. My observation was that our Australian city prizemoney was much better than the UK prizemoney and I suspect better than Ireland. Am I wrong or does 500 Euro convert to roughly $A1000. Wentworth Park and even more so, Melbourne city prizemoney is much better than this. Many thanks for keeping things moving on this site.

TheChook 11-19-2008 11:08 AM

Yep your right Yuthapinaboy
500.00 EUR = 972.758 AUD

The Derby sounds like VERY nice mooolah!

YUTHAPINABOY 11-22-2008 01:17 AM

Hi Chook. The Derby prizemoney is good, very good but I believe from reading the other contributions on this matter that it is a sweepstake race. I am not sure how much is put in by the participants. It is the normal week to week racing on their major tracks where I believe the prizemoney is not good relative to our major tracks. I very much took note on my many visits to the Ladbrokes betting shop on Chiswick High Street, London, of the prizemoney. It was not good, it was poor. My main interest was to see what greyhounds by Australian sires were racing. Overall they did very well. Top Honcho has been an amazing success over there for a long time. I had minimal interest at the time he was racing in Australia but I have been told that he was nothing special. I did look up his form once on GRV site. I seem to recall he had a win at Angle Park in fast time. Hey, is Kamikaze Spirit who I saw race at Dapto last night one of the dogs about which you have written. If so, I thought he was going to win last night but there seemed to be an awful lot going on between the 3 or so dogs in front. He finished up very wide. Not sure what the winner Jayden's Rocket was doing but he did kick at the finish to win again. I have to admit to not being a great analyst of a race especially when I see it only the once, that is, without the benefit of replays. Good luck with all of your dogs.

TheChook 11-22-2008 02:09 PM

Yep Kamikaze Spirit is one of mine. Unfortunately when Jayden clipped him down the back we feel this is where his injury from the race has occurred. Poor man hurt his hamstring we think, bit swollen off to vet tomorrow.
Kamis wide running doesnt help him in the home straight but i feel that may come from a broken wrist at 6 weeks old. 1L cost him getting in the $50,000 to winner final, but if he s injured, probably for the best (could get heartbreaking scratching from a biggen)

Noel hows the broadmill champs travelling along?
Hope theres some nice results coming through.

Its interesting learnign about some of the irish racing.

noelkeane 01-13-2009 07:35 AM

sorry for not been on for a bit but as a chef xmas is crazy
the derby is a sweep stake run over a few weeks the entery is 300 euro to it it does not go towards the prize money of 175,000
the broadmill champs are doing ok now my best dog three is returning soon from a serious writ injury was in the quarter final of a sweep 20k to the winner 7 lenghts clear when he went down got up and first first on three legs
his brother has won two second once and 5 in the last four
and there sister will return to racing in the coming weeks from her first litter to dks prime time(usa sire)

coops 01-13-2009 08:44 AM

Noel, sounds like you still in the xmas

Hey, when you gonna bring your dogs to Australia and race against our magnificiant second to none dogs? lol. We would like to bring our dogs over there, but it's too far and they would probably get car sick.


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