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RodStrachan 05-14-2009 07:31 PM

Guys just to let you know Buena Blaze has been inseminated to Bombastic Shiraz last Saturday being May 9th!

Dougie 05-22-2009 11:57 AM

Great News Rod, Hope everything goes well and she has good size litter. Bombastic Shiraz is a great sire and very popular as Paua To Burn is in pup by him. Also maybe looking at him for my broodbitch soon. cheers Dougie :)

RodStrachan 05-26-2009 08:58 PM

Hi Dougie,
thanks for the kind thoughts fingers crossed all goes well.

coops 05-27-2009 04:56 PM

Hey Rod, are you going to keep the whole 8 pups for yourself?

Looking at my crystal ball and it looks like there will be 6 multi city class winners and two all round champions. So mate I think it would be wise to keep em all.

Good luck wiff em mate


coops 05-29-2009 05:04 PM

Hey guys, just letting you know that Sinka is empting out real good now and it's looks really great.


RodStrachan 08-20-2009 08:25 PM

Hi Coops,
sorry ahven't been on the forum for ages. She had 6 pups to the Bomb and are now 4 weeks old. We are selling 4 and keeping 2. She had
1 fawn dog, 1 fawn bitch
1 black dog, 3 black bitches.
It looks like we've sold 2-3 already....You after one? LOL
Can't keep them all we have 16 dogs in total at the moment.

coops 08-21-2009 01:27 PM

Rod, I would love to have one, but unfortunately Sinka's sending me broke.LOL

I got a bitch 18 months old straight out of the paddock two weeks ago by Hallucinate X Just Like Alice. She's a little ripper and she has been looked after really good. She's in at the breakers at the moment and I would love her to be Really, Really fast.LOL. Sinka loves her too.

But mate, I reckon you should have kept the whole litter coz they are all gonna be great dogs when they race. I can feel it in my water. Good luck with them mate. See you in the winners circle.


RodStrachan 09-07-2010 03:20 PM

Thanks Coops.

Our 2 head to the breakers next month. The 4 sold ones are away at the moment. No word yet on how they are going!


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