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nickg 11-15-2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by coops (Post 18541)
Your right mate. Take me for instance I'm not well known but who would have ever thought that I would have turned out that bloody good. Nickg reckons I'm the best trainer he's ever known and I agree with him too.

My LILLY knows how good I am.



what were my words again coops?

couldnt train a duck to water :P

Kyleigh 11-15-2010 11:09 PM

lol you dont have to have a kennel overflowing with dogs to be considered a good trainer, less you have prob more time and attention spent on them, I still firmly believe the more you give the more the dog gives, I know of plenty of trainers that wouldnt agree with me but it depends on why you have or money?

Gippy 11-16-2010 08:24 AM

Bottom line is that you cannot turn chicken shit into chicken soup!! The dogs can either run fast or they can't, its all about giving them every chance to reach their full ability. The rest is up to them.

Kyleigh 11-16-2010 09:08 AM

spot on gippy, lol nice analogy

coops 11-16-2010 12:50 PM

How do you know Gippy's anal ogy is nice Kyleigh?


corza 11-18-2010 09:37 PM

guys & gals, i just thought i would let u in on some mail through the grape vine, the trainer is a good bloke though, he owns it with his daughter and there havin fun, it was my first tip to the forum and i thought i would give some background, so your investment was informed,some people only follow certain people"trainers", anyone with the right dog can only improve with exp and knowledge which is why i am open minded to constuctive critisim and this forum has a wealth of info from you.

Kyleigh 11-19-2010 12:09 AM

Ummm actually Darren Mac is a pretty decent bloke who doesn't have his head up his ass as u put it, he is a very quiet and humble man, also a very sick man so I would imagine there was reasons

corza 11-21-2010 09:50 PM

thats ur opinion and entitled to it i'l keep mine

Kyleigh 11-21-2010 10:37 PM

Woah get on the back foot buddy, I was just giving reason for why he may not have shown up considering u hadn't actually mention him that u just started bagging him out, do u even know him or are u just one of the many who just bag him cause he is good at what he does? U know what they say about people who assume, and I stand by my word he is a very decent guy and just doesn't 'not show up!'

nickg 11-22-2010 12:11 AM

id say there would be a good reason for it, depending on when and where

he does have his own dogs to train, plus the stud dogs. he has a few blokes who help him out and im sure if he was suppose to be there either darky or glen rounds would of been there for him as they do trial alot of his dogs

not to mention what was said above, his health isnt the best.

but i can vouch for him as a person, ive asked him for advice a few times and he has been more then happy to assist, not attitude at all. ive asked him about certain sires for a bitch, one who he was actually standing and he pushed me away from his own dog as he didnt like the cross

each to there own but darren is a pretty down to earth bloke who can train a dog

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