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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2009, 03:18 PM
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Location: Werombi NSW
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Default My Dog

It's been a while since my mate Sinka went to heaven and left me with a heavy heart. Since then, along came a young bitch (BESS) who has filled his spot. I have broken her in and has no ability whatsoever, but she is having her first race tomorrow. But you never know she might do ok.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2009, 08:39 PM
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Posts: 316

On the basis of what you have written Coops, Bess may need a miracle for her to win. I hope the miracle happens at Appin tomorrow. It is only 274, you never know. Good luck, have a good day. It is at least 25 years since I have been to Appin dogs. It had 15 or so bookies then betting on the dogs. Maybe they don't even have one now.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 12:51 AM
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best of luck coops run bess run just one good run means the world
the home of early
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 04:31 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 73

hi coops just wondering what sort of time they run the 274 at appin
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 05:56 PM
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Coops, I am sorry the bitch did not go any good today at Appin. I did notice that the SP totalled 185%. Gee this is making it difficult.
JR44, Coops will give you a more precise answer (I have to go now, my wife has instructed me to go to the shop with her so that I can carry home the purchases - that's all I am, a bloody "packhorse" or would a "donkey" would be more to the point). Anyway, let me say that it seems your dog, depending on the conditions of course, needs to be breaking 16.0 to be go what I would call we. In Coops race today they went 16.21, 25 years ago a handy run but these days pretty ordinary I think. Ooops the misses has the whip out.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 06:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 73

is appin a straight track or what sorry for the question just learning went to watch my dog trial today for the first time and i am hooked already looking for another dog lol i love it
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 07:25 PM
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JR44, Appin is a straight track, the only one left in NSW. Wyong closed down a few years ago. Back in the 1960s Richmond was a straight and also there was a straight track at Wellington and probably one or more other places of which I was not aware in my greyhound industry formative years. Appin was used only as a trial track for many years despite vigorous efforts to have it approved as a proper race track. Around the early to mid1970s it was approved as a race track. I first raced there in 1977 winning on the very first attempt (at 8/1). It was exciting, he won by a nose. I found it to be a really good afternoon in those days (on my very occasional visits, I lived more than 200 kms away), it even had a little tote going that seemed to be pretty well patronised. I loved straight racing, it had a bit of what I thought would have been the carnival atmosphere of the much older days. I wish it was possible for you and others to still experience the excitement of those days, it is so different now, sterile. OK I have been a raving idiot for the last few minutes, now back to the question. It is a straight, still grass I expect, up a gradual incline. I believe the distances are 274 and 350 or so. The hare I expect still runs up the centre of the track as compared to Healesville in Victoria where it is a side arm (right hand side of course). The incline makes a distinct difference compared to if it was flat as Wyong was, particularly over the longer distance. In that I have not been there for more than 25 years Coops can provide you with the current story.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 09:19 AM
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Posts: 792

Appin is a straight track. Distances are , 274 and 366 mtrs. 16.00 sec is about what you would want to trial for the 274 and 21.00 for the 366. If you have a dog that betters these times then you have a very handy dog. If you have a dog that can run 15.50 then you have a good dog. There are many people that trial at Appin to get there dogs fit and to balance young dogs who are just starting to race. But don't worry if your dog doesn't run anywhere near those time up the straight because it may not suit them.

My mates dog runs no better than 22.00 over the 366 mtrs there, but is lightining on the circle.

Anyway jr44, go and get yourself a dog and have some fun.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 11:08 AM
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Posts: 316

Can't break 22.0 and is lightning on the circle ??? Heavens Coops that is extraordinary as 22.0 is awful.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 11:37 AM
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Posts: 316

By the way, jr44, I endorse Coops' advice. If your circumstances (including financial) allow you to have one or two dogs as a hobby, then it is a great hobby. Tends to become all consuming and once you are bitten by the "dog flea", you will be addicted, as I have been for the best part of 50 years (I have a small share in only one dog these days and that is the first one for 20 years but the addiction has continued to always be there). Furthermore, if you live in reasonable close proximity to Appin, then racing your dogs at Appin would in my view be a great hobby and if you had one that was more suitable to the circle, then that's good also, particularly in that it is where there is much more scope for recouping some expenses. Good luck jr44.
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