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Morgan 02-12-2009 09:29 AM

Help Fire Victims
Hey everyone,

I thought that we should try and do our bit to help those affected by the Victorian fires, ive been up at Stanley over the past few days protecting our house although we were fortunate not to have lost it. There are many of people who have lost friends, family and their homes.

Hopefully if you can spare a few dollars you will be able to help out.

Australian Red Cross

Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Ill start things off, our family has donated $125 to red cross and i have registered to donate blood next week.

I hope everyone can dig deep!

YUTHAPINABOY 02-12-2009 09:44 AM

Good on you Morgan. I think the Red Cross 1800 811 700 number must be running hot which is good news as I have not been able to get through during the last couple of days and have currently been waiting almost 15 minutes with the phone on speaker-phone. On this occasion, I will just leave it on until I get through. Good news just got through.

hussler2912 02-12-2009 08:57 PM

Have already donated $30. I will use my free $100 bet (that I recently recieved after signing up to Sportingbet) pretty soon and I'll probably look to put it on a horse at around $4 or $5 and rest assured if I get lucky a fair sling will go to this.

YUTHAPINABOY 02-14-2009 01:36 PM

I have since last weekend been thinking not just in general about the Victorian fires and those affected including the greyhound industry but specifically about members of this site who may have suffered. My geographical knowledge of Victoria is inadequate but I have noticed Morwell on the news, albeit only in the context of a communications/coordination point. Nevertheless, it made me think of Diesel who I am sure has mentioned Morwell with regard to being one of his "drinking holes" but of course I really don't know where he lives. I hope he and his family are fine and that this applies to all other members. We lost 66 houses in our suburb in 2003 so I have some appreciation of the horror.

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