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chub 12-31-2010 04:52 AM

Graeme Bate Caught Again with Procaine
for the second time within 11 months GB has been caught with procaine and receieved a 4k fine now if it was in his meat it makes you wonder if he changed suppliers the first time it occurred because some of these knackeries in victoria are processing horses ,cows etc that in some cases have been dead for a few days what are your thoughts about this 2nd swab:confused::confused: cheers chub.

coops 12-31-2010 06:45 AM

Well my thoughts chub mate is, I bet GB is pissed off getting caught again. Here in NSW you get a lengthy holiday for getting done twice. To get a fine of $4k there must have been conclusive evidence to suggest that he was guilty of the offense again.
Anyway good to see he got away with just a fine.


chub 12-31-2010 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by coops (Post 19004)
Well my thoughts chub mate is, I bet GB is pissed off getting caught again. Here in NSW you get a lengthy holiday for getting done twice. To get a fine of $4k there must have been conclusive evidence to suggest that he was guilty of the offense again.
Anyway good to see he got away with just a fine.


yes coops now they have set the precedent if any trainer in victoria now gets 2 positive swabs to procaine within a year they cant very well suspend them based on this latest business cheers chub.

Kyleigh 12-31-2010 12:03 PM

Anyway good to see he got away with just a fine.

How can you see that as being a good thing?

coops 12-31-2010 03:10 PM

Kyleigh, he's a nice bloke and one of the top trainers and he pleaded guilty to the charge just in good faith. He can afford the $4k no worries. He'll make that tonight at the races with one of his super (Souped) dogs You can't go baggin the bloke coz he gets caught with his finger in the pie now and again. He's just trying to make a living you know! Personally, I like GB, coz he experiments. Ya can't knock a bloke for that.


nickg 01-01-2011 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by coops (Post 19010)
Kyleigh, he's a nice bloke and one of the top trainers and he pleaded guilty to the charge just in good faith. He can afford the $4k no worries. He'll make that tonight at the races with one of his super (Souped) dogs You can't go baggin the bloke coz he gets caught with his finger in the pie now and again. He's just trying to make a living you know! Personally, I like GB, coz he experiments. Ya can't knock a bloke for that.


experiments with what? poppy seeds??

i can deal with the whole procaine situation, simply because it is a known fact its a product used on downer cows etc etc where there is non regualted human meat involved there is always a chance

Its more so the fact that any small trainer would of got time for the first offence yet this is how many for him?? yet there is only a fine?

there seems to be 2 sets of rules, 1 for leading trainers and one for the rest

so im guessing you no him coops??

chub 01-01-2011 05:56 PM

yes well thats the way it goes small trainer cops all the shit big trainers get away with it and procaine may only be their to mask something else 2 positives to procaine i would be changing my meat supplier and the ptb dont want to do anything as ive said on other forums and here take blood and you may find that there is more to winning than meets the eye but the dogs cant say no can they cheers chub

nickg 01-01-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by chub (Post 19016)
yes well thats the way it goes small trainer cops all the shit big trainers get away with it and procaine may only be their to mask something else 2 positives to procaine i would be changing my meat supplier and the ptb dont want to do anything as ive said on other forums and here take blood and you may find that there is more to winning than meets the eye but the dogs cant say no can they cheers chub

i guess the other way to look at it is he has 3566435050403 dog to feed thats alot of meat per week, per month per year, he is bound to come across dodgy meat. i no we cop it here and there with meat that makes the dogs shit through the eye of a needle, thats a small scale so imadgin that when you have 80 plus dogs in work

Kyleigh 01-01-2011 08:34 PM

OMG, a nice guy really? Well I for one would beg to differ, these are the guys that should be made a precedent of, the big guys, he makes more than a living FYI, he didn't plead guilty at all, he was FOUND guilty, he pleaded otherwise, a mate of mine got done, small trainer first time she had ever been in any kind of trouble, it was from the meat and she proved that it was, but as she stated the rule says present a drug free dog and I failed to do so, not by choice but still fail, she got a 3 month holiday, how is that fair??

cheyenne 01-01-2011 10:06 PM

well when i buy meat i ask is it shot an bled. there anwser is yes , so if i get apositive from meat ,an my dogs sh--t through an eye of a needle i be taken court action. with out a dout.

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