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nickg 01-03-2011 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by cheyenne (Post 19031)
no coops but i tell u this , when u shoot an bleed a cow the procaine drains from cows body because its in the blood. an flows out of the meat an donest comtaminate the meat.

ummm isnt procaine injected into the muscle?

regardless of how well you drain the animal there will still be traces in the meat in particular the area it was injected into

Procaine isnt injected into a vain so it is not just contained in the blood system

Kyleigh 01-03-2011 10:11 AM

I have to agree with nick and the drug they give them starts with k and I can't fir the life of me remember it so I'll get back to u on that one, but that is the drug peopleget done for, u hardly ever get done for procain from meat not because of the way it's bled because of the quantity not being enough to go thru the meat with high readings

nickg 01-03-2011 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Kyleigh (Post 19033)
I have to agree with nick and the drug they give them starts with k and I can't fir the life of me remember it so I'll get back to u on that one, but that is the drug peopleget done for, u hardly ever get done for procain from meat not because of the way it's bled because of the quantity not being enough to go thru the meat with high readings

WOW you mean we agree?

like believe the same thing?

WOW is all i can say

Are you thinking of ketamine?

Kyleigh 01-03-2011 12:32 PM

Yup that's it, that's the last ditch drug they give livestock, there was one meat place in Vic that alot of people used and there was 5 positives from digs eating that meat all the same drug.

I know nick shock horror lol dont get used to it ;)

coops 01-03-2011 01:22 PM

cheyenne, do you shave under yer arms?


nickg 01-03-2011 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kyleigh (Post 19035)
Yup that's it, that's the last ditch drug they give livestock, there was one meat place in Vic that alot of people used and there was 5 positives from digs eating that meat all the same drug.

I know nick shock horror lol dont get used to it ;)

i also no a few humans who dont mind abit of ketmaine either lol

you never no we might agree on more then you think :P

nickg 01-03-2011 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by coops (Post 19036)
cheyenne, do you shave under yer arms?


if she/he says yes you will be in love again lol

Kyleigh 01-03-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by coops (Post 19036)
cheyenne, do you shave under yer arms?


It's a he so one would imagine not

Kyleigh 01-03-2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by nickg (Post 19037)
i also no a few humans who dont mind abit of ketmaine either lol

you never no we might agree on more then you think :P

We may do nick lmao, I'd never let u know tho

cheyenne 01-03-2011 03:15 PM

nickg do mean they inject in the mussel thats only way u get a reading. because they have to give acow at least 100mill to cotaminate meat.

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