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Kyleigh 10-19-2010 10:40 PM

Interested in Peoples Thoughts!
The Stewards of Greyhound Racing Victoria on Monday 13th September, 2010 conducted an inquiry into an incident that occurred en route to the Bendigo Greyhound Racing Association on Monday 23rd August, 2010.
After hearing the evidence, Stewards charged Mr. Arvanitis with breach of GAR86(o) in that he did transport eight greyhounds en route to the Bendigo Greyhound Racing Association meeting on Monday 23rd August 2010, of which five were engaged to compete at that meeting, and by continuing to travel to the race meetiong when it became apparant of a significant fault with the trailers wheel, he acted in an improper manner which constituted misconduct.
After hearing all the evidence tendered, the RADB found Mr Arvanitis guilty as charged and issued the following penalties:
*A fine of $5,000
*Disqualification of his licence for a period of six months (3 months of which, to be suspended), commencing Monday 18th October 2010.

chub 10-20-2010 05:03 AM

should have been 12 months and $10,000 he got off light imo cheers chub.

Gippy 10-20-2010 09:24 AM

The welfare of the dogs must come first!! 6 months and $5000 is a hell of a lot more more than a call to the stewards to say he has broken down and I bet they would have helped him get the dogs to the track on time and at worst he would have had to scratch!!! Stupidity at its highest! Probably right, he deserved more.

penny 10-20-2010 06:44 PM

probably right chub i bet if it had off been a crook wheel on his car he would have changed it asap double standards the rsole .

nickg 10-20-2010 06:55 PM

more will come out of it as its now a police matter

grv have punished him under there rules now its the police's turn and a jail term is possible but we do live in australia where the stupid get a slap on the wrist

Kyleigh 10-21-2010 01:04 AM

Pretty sure the police side of things has already been dealt with, strangely enough, for those who know me. I don't agree with the stewards actions at all, and by no means am I condoning what he has done, but had the media not been involved in this, nothing would have been done at all, they didn't care about the welfare of the animals they cared about their own asses and that was all

Gippy 10-21-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kyleigh (Post 18417)
Pretty sure the police side of things has already been dealt with, strangely enough, for those who know me. I don't agree with the stewards actions at all, and by no means am I condoning what he has done, but had the media not been involved in this, nothing would have been done at all, they didn't care about the welfare of the animals they cared about their own asses and that was all

So what is your opinion on a suitable penalty???? What were the stewards meant to do???? Its not just their arses on the line, but the whole industry!! I think in hindsight if he's got half a brain he will be thankful that he got off so light. I find your opinion on the matter terribly immature as any decent member of society would be appalled that somebody could be as stupid as that!

Kyleigh 10-21-2010 03:45 PM

Immature? Lol like I said those who know me will be shocked that I disagree. Once again this is an integrity issue changing the rules to how they see fit, the rules are there for a reason. Yes the guy is a wanker yes it is a welfare issue, I wish the press would dig a little deeper and see that the same kinds of actions that DO NOT make the media hardly get a look in.

My point is the stewards Acted on a few photos there was noone there that was an eye witness at the inquiry, most of their info came because he was honest about it. Yet people can do similar things at the track and the stewards turn their heads

penny 10-21-2010 09:00 PM

who gives a rats its been dealt with move on .

Gippy 10-22-2010 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kyleigh (Post 18420)
Immature? Lol like I said those who know me will be shocked that I disagree. Once again this is an integrity issue changing the rules to how they see fit, the rules are there for a reason. Yes the guy is a wanker yes it is a welfare issue, I wish the press would dig a little deeper and see that the same kinds of actions that DO NOT make the media hardly get a look in.

My point is the stewards Acted on a few photos there was noone there that was an eye witness at the inquiry, most of their info came because he was honest about it. Yet people can do similar things at the track and the stewards turn their heads

Maybe in Tassie darling, but not over here!!! Maybe when you do get some decent stewards over there and stop running your racing like a picnic circuit then you will come to realize that unless we all act in a responsible manner all the time we mightn't have a sport at all!!!
Now before you jump up and down about what would I know about Tas racing?? I have some good friends that I race dogs with in Tassie so I know exactly what's been going on!
You take some Calf's or Pig's to the market in a stock trailer and drag it along by the axle and see what the RSPCA would do to you??
You obviously have some sort of connection to the offending Kennel, but i think you have come to the wrong place if you are seeking sympathy for them as its you against everyone else that has bothered to post!!!!!

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