Originally Posted by catchthebunny
Nick, you need to do some research buddy!!!
These stats are straight off the Shep racing club website!!!
If your gonna have ur say, at least get it right mate!!
Average Winning Time from 01/6/2009 to 01/06/2010
Grade Distance Seconds
390 22.58
450 25.82 
650 38.29
Grade 5
390 22.42
450 25.62 
650 38.18
Grade 4
390 22.29
450 25.51 
650 37.85
Grade 3
390 22.27
450 25.47
All Others
390 22.25
450 25.42 
650 37.86
i think i did mate,
straight from the grv website
as for the meadows 16 second run, yeah good run but they dont run races from the shorts
not having a go just making the point when someone say "but dont be mistaken because a dog that can run 25.66 in a trial at shepp can run"
when that is just a par run, but used in the context its something special
i hope the dog wins plenty for you