Originally Posted by nickg
I agree with what you say gippy apart from your last line... I.e best sire you can afford, if you can't afford to go to the best sire you possible can then your going to get into alot of trouble down the track money wise, when it comes to selecting sires price shouldn't matter, one exception maybe Brett lee., I've heard people say ohh I wanted to go to surf lorian but went to runs house to save $700, in 18 months time that $700 is only a small % of what you have spent..
don't let money decided what sire you go to, if you can't afford it don't breed or find a breeding deal cause in the long run it will cost the same
Point taken Nick, but for example if your bitch comes on and you want to go to Bombastic but you don't have a spare 4.5 Gorillas( + associated costs) hanging around, what then? Let her miss and go and save for next year? Maybe I should have said choose your price range and pick the best sire available in that range that is compatible to your bitch!! Everyone has a limit. Your 100% right though mate, if you can't afford to breed a litter, DON'T!! The GRV seem to be pushing this point too!!
Hey Coops I don't think you need to worry about me mate! I'm "Happily"

married although my wife is never compared to a chocy muffin or cream pie, she's more like a green lemon