Originally Posted by YUTHAPINABOY
What's going on guys? Some of these posts are really freaking me out. Or maybe I have been "out of the loop" for too long and am not reading them in the right context or any context at all. I think I need another holiday, see ya.
why your were away we have had a huge import of spam, to be honest a massive amount of newbies offering iphones, viagra and ranting random comments in threads and that was just murray

but the new lot haha it gets worse and worse
morgan can i suggest to you that maybe it is time for a new membership procedure where you have to verify all members and except them before they can post...the way its going there going to kill your site, no one likes opening up there emails to find 15 messages and 13 of them are spam, its getting like that in the forum now, you open up a thread to find some so called american newbie (they all ways seem to say there american) has posted 2 lines of WTF dribble.
its actually gone way past the "funny the first time" to now a real problem and pain.
Cheers nick