Originally Posted by nickg
hey cock sucker listen up and listen up good apart from bates none of those guys feed or would think about feeding horse meat, its the shit of the earth next you will say rearing pups on chciken and feeding race dogs roo is good as well...
ive worked with rob britton who i consider one of the better trainers and i can asure you there was no horse meat, i no for a fact darren dosent feed horse meat, thompson im unsure of bout i highly doubt it...
you call me a shit kicker lol a pound of meat hey with chicken, again you showed how great you are, you feed a race dog chicken???? wow your one of the best arnt you, short cut cheap meat shit kicker...worry about your punting site dickhead, you couldnt tip winners and you have no clue about greyhounds so crawl back into your hole you maggot
LOL YOUR HILARIOUS NICK! Really got me in a good mood reading this this morning

I really feel sorry for you, lol so naive and immature.
First of all of course you feed chicken mince! Most trainers do. Secondly of course you feed it to rearing pups is good, they need a bit of fat in them.
Horse meat is good meat and is the base ingredient for alot of trainers. But sorry we must all be wrong because some no hoper on a racing forum says its wrong. LOL. Who are you to decide whats wrong and right?
The fact that you had to revert to abusive language shows your complete immaturity and lack to learn new things thats why you will never be a respected trainer. Swallow your pride and take on what other people say and dont shoot them down because odds are they are doing better than you.
Hope you change your tune for your sake.